Roy City, Utah Visioning Meeting October 12, 2016

Last night at the Roy Library, I was at battle, a soldier in that war on U.S. Sovereignty and Freedom. I attended the Roy Visioning Meeting. According to our Roy city council member, Robert Dandoy, who was in attendance, Roy is the third largest city in Davis and Weber Counties combined. The largest is Ogden. The second largest (and my beloved home town) is Layton. Based on web searches, Roy appears to be the third city in these two large counties to have a visioning meeting. Which cities are next?

     I went to the meeting. I did not feel listened to. The Wasatch Front Regional Council is not an elected body. An ICLEI visioning meeting is not done via a representative government. It is a regional government all about taxation without representation and tyranny, so what can one expect?

The Next Workshop

The next workshop will also be at the Roy Library. It will be on January 25, 2017. I assume it will also be at 6:00 p.m. Please come and defend our freedoms by alerting the people around you, the city officials, the city council and the city employees, that there are more than one of us who wants to keep U.S. freedom and sovereignty intact! They do not even care whether you live in Roy. Anyone who lives anywhere can “vote.”

Multiple Choice “Clicker” Voting

One of the battles was after the beginning presentation (slide presentation), in which people who are not asked to show any identification are given a clicker which allows them to vote on one of seven choices. Which of these seven sustainability, re-development and economic development items do you care about most for your city?

We citizens of these United States of America have been given multiple choice questions so many times in our public schools that we think that it is completely fine, normal and acceptable for our voice to be limited to seven choices. Isn’t brainstorming the best way to come up with the best ideas?

I apologize for this exhausting list, but I have to make my point because this point is extremely important to our understanding and the preservation of what liberties and freedoms we have left still.

The Founding Fathers of our great and exceptional *SOVEREIGN nation would be appalled that we think this is how decisions about our own city should be made. Virginia citizens definitely would not have ever let Benjamin Franklin, of Pennsylvania, lead a meeting for Virginia with a multiple choice question format designed supposedly to give Virginia citizens a vote about building large buildings and knocking down whatever is there.

*to learn what sovereign means, read about President Obama telling the UN he wants to give up U.S. Sovereignty.

Attendance at Roy Visioning Workshop I

My best guess is that there were 5 to 7 actual Roy citizens there. There was one guy from UTA. There were 12-14 people from the Wasatch Front Regional Council. (This is an unelected regional council, by the way, a “taxation without representation” entity. UTA is now part of ICLEI because it receives ICLEI money. (As is my city).

Roy’s City Manager kept repeating that there is web address (with Survey Monkey) so that people can give input online. Although I took the survey, the most important things about Roy city to me are the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. That was not a survey choice.

I do not think the survey is important for anyone to take. The workshop and the survey are to placate the people (and the city council, city officials and employees) so that they think the citizens of Roy have had a voice, when in reality, no Roy citizen will ever have a voice in this. The voices were “heard” in December of 1989 (More on this later in the post). None of these ICLEI visioning meetings in any group of professionals or in any city or county or state, is local. It is all part of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives, headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Yes, indeed. It is a foreign attack from within. The battle front of this war is right in our very own city council meetings and city visioning workshops.

The Purpose of the Roy Visioning Workshops

The final presenter, who closed the beginning portion of the meeting, said in answer to a question of mine,

“Our purpose here tonight is to make you feel like you were listened to, so that you can leave here and tell your friends, ‘I was there, and they listened to me.'”

He meant that literally; He was for real; He was telling the truth. He truly meant to say “FEEL LIKE you were listened to” instead of “Our purpose tonight is to listen to you and take into account your input.” In reality, nothing that any of us who are real Roy residents have said or will ever say to the Wasatch Front Regional Council will ever be taken into account in any way. Literally, the true purpose of all ICLEI visioning meetings is for us to be convinced that we have been listened to and for us to say to others around us, “I was there. They listened to me. I gave my input.”

     This is called the Delphi Technique. The objective is to convince people they have been listened to when they have not been listened to at all.

The purpose of doing THAT is to make it so that our transition into membership in a Regional, Fully Taxed, No-Representation Government will happen with no protests or knowledge by the public, whatsoever.

James Otis, U.S. Politician and Patriot, said, “Taxation without representation is tyranny!”

The Mapping Activity Portion of Roy Visioning Workshop I

The man with white hair and glasses at my mapping table opened with, “As a lifetime citizen of Roy, …” when the mapping activity began. I am sure he did this on purpose and for emphasis, but he was lying. When I asked, “What is the name of that burger place that is always crowded, which is on this corner, here?” He said NOTHING. If you are reading this and are going to be going to your own city’s visioning meeting, try that one on them. Ask about a local place pretty much everyone knows about. See what they know. If they know nothing, you’ve got ’em! I grew up  Layton and I am a VEGAN. I know about the Burger Bar. He was supposedly a “lifetime Roy Resident” and had no clue. The Burger Bar has a sign that says they have been open 40 years. It was featured on the T.V. show, “Drives and Dives” because it is so popular and exceptional (though not for a vegan). This man looked to be in his mid-60s, with white hair. Is he really expecting anyone in the meeting to believe he is a lifetime resident of Roy?  I had no idea that the people brought in to “act” like they are part of the city would outright lie. This meeting is more like dinner mystery theater than anything. One has to figure out who is acting and who is for real (not lying). The whole time, you have to figure our who is a real Roy citizen and who is a planted helper of the ICLEI group, which in this case has its local offices in Salt Lake City.

This man with white hair kept trying to add mixed use buildings everywhere. He kept saying, “I think this would be a nice place for a mixed use building.” Mixed use is a new term which was not used before all this Sustainable Redevelopment started. Here are examples of mixed use development zoned areas in Ogden, Utah, which you are probably familiar with.

Here is an excerpt, a list, from this web site, Bye, Bye, Blue Sky, of buzzwords which should alert you that what they are talking about is Agenda 21 (You should definitely click on that link and watch that video). Scroll down to the “M” words and you will see “Mixed Use Development.” I have marked all of the words used in last night’s meeting in bold.

beginning of reference quote:


Eco-green fascism under the innocuous guise of sustainability to usher in One World Government and carbon taxation.

     Rosa Koire and her team at Democrats Against Agenda 21 put together this comprehensive list of key words and phrases that are often used at the local level when discussing Agenda 21 related initiatives.

Affordable housing
Ballot Box Planning
Benefit of all
Buffer Zones
Cap & Trade
Climate Change
Common Core Curriculum
Common good
Community Protocol
Comprehensive planning
Conservation Easement
Direct instruction
Endangered species
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Environmental Justice
General Plan
Global Warming
Good Business Sense
Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions
Growth management
HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Communities
Healthy Communities Strategy
High Speed Rail
Historic preservation
Housing Element
International baccalaureate
International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Invasive species
Jobs-Housing Connection
Land Use Policies
Lifelong learning
Livable Communities
Local Governments for Sustainability
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Mixed Use Development
Multi-Use Dwellings
New Economy New Urbanism
New World Order
One planet communities
Open Space
Outcome based education
Parking Policy
Precautionary approach
Precautionary Principle
Priority Conservation Areas
Priority Development Areas (PDA)
Public/Private partnerships
Quality of life
Resilient Cities
Responsible development

Safe Routes to Schools
Scenic views and vistas
School to work
Sensitive Lands
Smart growth
Smart Streets
Social justice
Stack and Pack Housing
Sustainable Communities Initiative
Sustainable communities partnership
Sustainable communities strategies
Sustainable development
Sustainable Economic Development
Sustainable medicine
Three “E”s of Sustainability: Equity, Economy, Environment
Traffic calming
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
Transportation Justice
Triple bottom line
Urban Growth Boundary
Urban revitalization
Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax
Vibrant Neighborhoods
Visioning Meetings
Walkable Communities

———-end of reference

(Another is “bikable.” Another is “complete streets.” The one used at my meeting was just “bicycle lane.” They talked much about bicycle lanes being wider. They said “increase the biking easement so that the bike can take up a whole lane.” Most people know that very few bikers are ever there and most are driving in cars. The road for vehicles needs to be wider. You will know it is Agenda 21 and the Sustainability movement when they keep pushing biking over driving. I used to bike to work when I was a teen—I get it. However, the bike lanes should only be pushed if they are needed. They should not be pushed JUST BECAUSE of the green movement (which is ICLEI).

During the mapping activity, I was told not to worry about any of my worries because it would be rezoned and they would shape the laws so that this building can go there and nothing else would be allowed to be there because anything else would be against the planning codes. What they meant was that the Agenda 21 Land Use Policies would become the local laws because of the acceptance of a grant by our city council. That was literal, too. That, I know, was the truth. They really will change the building codes and zoning codes so that certain things are not allowed and other things are. I know that on Roy’s web site, it mentions that things must be approved or disputed by talking with the person in charge of planning (Steve Parkinson).

See this document on Roy City’s web site, which says “Land Use Maps Consistency Required.”  See this current Future Land Use Map of Roy, here on Roy’s web site.

Watch this Must-See Video made for Land Use Planners, featuring Meg Ryan, (Fascist-NWO-lover, not actress). Its purpose is to teach them how to do their jobs. It is very scary and creepy! Utah professionals who could possibly be unaware of ICLEI’s existence and even of Agenda 21, are employed in Utah as “Land Use Planners.”

At one time during the mapping, I was told none of the decisions we made on this map were real, so we should just do what we want with this map. They said it was just for us to dream and imagine, to envision. I know that is true. They definitely will not take into account any of what we said.

At the mapping activity, I protested, saying there were homes here, and what are the people living in them going to do? One of them said to me, “You have to imagine there was a big earthquake and the whole city was destroyed. What would you do then?”  When I told my husband about that, he thought this was a scary meeting. It was, as are all of these ICLEI visioning meetings for cities across the U.S. of A.  They want to play God. They want us to relish in playing God ourselves. Awful!

Full Text PDF of Agenda 21 Document

What Agenda 21 (Official Global Document) Says About Economic Development

In case any of you believe this future planning, re-zoning and re-development of our city will improve our city’s economy, I assure you that I have read enough to know that its purpose is to destroy our economy in the U.S. of A. Let me tell you something about what we all agreed to December 22, 1989. I know we all agreed to it because it says, “It reflects a global consensus,” (Agenda 21, Section 1.2).

Agenda 21 Quotes about the Economies of the World:

Section 1.4: “Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries.” (Wealth will be moved From wealthy countries to poorer ones. Understand, this means monies will FLOW from the U.S. of A. and all first world countries.)

Section 1.5 : “economies in transition,” (In transition from wealth to the standard globally communist poverty or poverty to the standard globally communist wealth, depending upon where the country starts. All countries will be at the same economic level. That is the goal.)

Section 2.5: “an open, equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable multilateral trading system that is consistent with…optimal distribution of global production…comparative advantage…improved market access for developing countries’ exports.” (A predictable TRADING SYSTEM?!?!)My Uncle Steven would get a kick out of the idea of predictable gambling in Wendover. What say you? Here, here! Lol! “Improved market access for developing countries’ exports” means decreased market access for first world countries.

Section 2.6: “effective and predictable public administration

“…progress toward democratic government (ours is a Constitutional Republic. Note the U.S. Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance).

Section 2.7: “tariff and non-tariff impediments…

…limiting their access to export markets. (This means global U.N. laws limiting the exports of first world countries.)

“The removal of existing distortions in international trade…

“…substantial and progressive reduction in the support and protection of agriculture…” [Substantial means we will notice because it will be a huge difference. Progressive means gradually brought on so that nobody will protest because nobody will notice. (Progressive means we will be like the frog in the pot, when the water starts out cold and gets increasingly hotter. The frog dies, having always said he would get out when it got too hot.)]

…in order to avoid inflicting large losses on the more efficient producers, especially in developing countries.” (All of the above is for the purpose of making the third world countries come up to the level of the first world countries, at the expense of the first world countries.

Section 2.8: “…the expansion of world trade has continued to grow faster than world output in recent years. However, the expansion of world trade has been unevenly spread, and only a limited number of developing countries have been capable of achieving appreciable growth in their exports….affecting particularly the export interests of developing countries.” [In 1989, fairness was too uneven in the world. It was not a communist world.  That, we considered a bad thing. I say we, because, as you can see from section 1.4, we all agreed to this in 1989. (There was a global CONSENSUS).]

The meaning of this Agenda 21 plan made in 1989 (Agenda 21 meaning agenda for the 21st century) is for wealthy countries to let their economic advantages go out the window in order to help developing countries bring their economies to the same level as that of the U.S. and for one Communist Wold Government with taxation but no representation. It also says they will make agricultural laws which will hinder agricultural production in the U.S. and help agricultural production in developing countries. It says there will possibly be a lack of tariff impediments. What I read here is, the developing countries will get to export to the U.S. so that we, who have restrictions on agricultural production, will be forced to either starve or buy food from developing countries to bring up their economies at the expense of ours.

One of the means of bringing the U.S, economy to the level of the economies of all other countries so that we live in one big communist governed world, is this whole REDEVELOPMENT trick they are pulling on us via this Wasatch Front Regional Council. The plan is to destroy Roy’s sovereignty.

Changes in Common Core October 3, 2016

The Math Common Core has been updated.

Math changes

Common Core: Key Shifts in Mathematics
How to Teach Common Core and Involve Feelings, by U.C. Berkley
In case you are curious, here are some of the other subjects’ standards. The evil elite of the nation have separated them to different places so that you cannot easily find them. I will try to help.

English Language Arts

Common Core: Key Shifts in Language Arts
These rolled out last year. Here are the science standards.

Next Generation Science Standards
As for Social Studies common core, it is written into the language arts core. This page is interesting (especially the comments).

The Arts Have National Standards, too.

National Arts Standards
Note that these are called “Sexuality” Standards, not “Sex Education” Standards. That is because they are not about health and Human Biology. They are about feelings, choice, behavior, equality and respecting the choices and feelings of others.

Common Core Sexuality Standards
National Health Education Standards
This is where the standards are headed (the future if all the standards). 

International Educational Standards
International Baccalaureate Program (The Middle Years Program)

CLEP and DSST Feelings from a Teenage Homeschooler

I interviewed my daughter about how she feels about preparing for and taking the tests. These are the things she said, made into full sentences by me so that you may have a clear understanding. We do not usually take any tests in our homeschool, just so you understand a little in that way.****************

I don’t like the idea of preparing for or taking tests by reading the CLEP and DSST books. I feel bored taking practice tests and studying for the tests in the books.

I like the Great Courses Western Civilizatons I DVD’s. The guy is exciting. I do not feel like I am preparing for a test when I watch the DVD’s. Anything fun does not make me feel like I am preparing for a test.

I partially feel I am preparing for the Public Speaking DSST test when I go to my Speech and Debate Class. My teacher is a really good teacher and teaches me a lot of stuff and I learn how to make speeches and go to tournaments.

The flash cards are kind of hard to memorize because some of them are kind of long. The short answer flash cards are easier.

The test at $80 plus $20 fee for proctor sounds expensive. I am worried I will not pass and it will be a waste of my mom’s money. I would feel bored taking the test because it is super boring. I am worried I will not know very many of the answers.

Keywords: College Credit by Exam homeschool, homeschool early college

What to Tell Your Child About Getting Lost (And Finding You)

A police officer told me about how one of the guidelines widely shared with children for getting lost, is wrong! Many parents tell their kids, “Look for an employee, security guard, or police officer,” or they tell their kids, “look for a mom or grandma with kids.”

     The officer told me if your child is lost, he or she should find the first adult he sees and say, “I am lost. Please help me find my (guardian).” He said they have found that the worst state for a lost child to be in is one wherein the child has a lost puppy look on his or her face and is crying, frustrated because he or she cannot find a “security person” or “police officer.” Likewise, looking specifically for “a mom or a grandma with kids” is almost as tough. What if that day your child gets lost is a day when you are at a store where mostly men shop? What if the day your child gets lost is a day wherein every child is in school and the people there are just senior citizens walking around shopping?

     It is best for the first person the child sees to aid the child in getting to the police officer, employee or security person. This way, the child feels confident immediately and can likely find you faster. The child is with an adult and is not afraid, crying and frustrated. This officer told me that 99% of the time, the first person the child sees will be a good person who would never harm a child. He said, if the child looks like a scared puppy and is crying, he or she will be lost for a longer time and, refusing to talk to strangers that would help, will have a greater chance of being spotted by a bad person with ill-intent. THAT person will be good at gaining the trust of the child because he or she is skilled and practiced. However, the child’s confidence in that person will be mal-placed.

     I think if your child has a photo of you and your name with him or her, that will increase the speed at which you will be found again. I also like to snap  a photo of each of my kids when we go to a crowded place. That way, if my child becomes lost, I have a photo to show people and say, “Have you seen this child?” Sometimes people ask, “What was he wearing?” You should be able to pull uo your cell ohone with the photo so they cna immediately have a visual of what he was wearing. As a mother of a larger family, I have lost my kids a few times. Every time, (with the help of prayer, my family and others) I find them within a couple minutes. This is relieving. By way of note, the child I find has not felt lost yet and is just enjoying life. It really takes quite some time for a child to look around and realize he or she cannot see mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt or uncle.     

     One thing a parent should keep in mind when not being able to spot a child is that the parent must not be embarrassed to tell other parents around him or her. If I were embarrassed, I would not enlist immediate help from others and this would slow the time in finding my child. If you are shouting your child’s name, other people around you will immediately offer help in finding your lost child. If you are in a place like a playplace for kids with employees, the employees will all help together and more quickly. After all, they do not want their place to have a bad reputation.

     One time, we wereat Boondocks. I could not see my daughter. I am always looking around making sure I can see all my kids. I immediately told my family and started calling her name. A very young man asked me what she looked like and began looking. I found an employee and told her. She had a walkie talkie and told the security guard in the watchroom, who could see the whole place with cameras. Befor the team of employees could even get started, the first young man I mentioned had found her. It was wonderful of him. I am forever grateful. I hope God blessed him for it!

     It is a beautiful thing. People do not want a child to get lost or hurt. They will help quickly. I love that about people!

     God bless you never to lose your child for over 2 minutes! (Because losing your child at all will be a common thing).

Keywords: kidnapping, stranger danger, child safety

Go, Georgia! Georgia County Says No to Sustainability Monies!

Oh, my. Good piece! Georgia county refuses federal funds for Sustainability! Balanced neighborhoods are the aim. ICLEI and Agenda 21 are all about control. The means is the changing of U.S. Laws and BRIBERY with MONEY. What will you do for federal cash? Will you give up freedom? Will you accept FASCISM?

     The means for moving into fascism is bribery with money. It is federal law changes and communities taking federal monies for improvement and development. HUD enforcement is one of the things they are doing. Another is to combine transportation and housing improvement into one category when the senate gives out money. With that, they have new laws which make sure there are certain percentages making this much money and certain percentages making that much money, in each neighborhood, for economic balance in every neighborhood. There wil be an end to rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods and even middle class ones. They will all be federally balanced neighborhoods. Not only that, but if there are already enough people of one race in a neighborhood, they will not let someone new of that race come in. The cities are bound to this by contract if they take the federal monies to improve their neighborhoods. 

October 2016 General Conference Quote: Elder Robert D. Hales, Quorum of the 12 Apostles

This is great advice for all parents and grandparents. I think it is really great advice for this LDS homeschool mom! I know it is about teaching the gospel for most, but for me it is about all of the homeschool teaching I do all week, as well. No training manual is better than scriptures praying pondering and seeking the Holy Spirit. The calling to be a parent gives us the ability to teach in ways right for our family. Awesome. Sometimes I forget that. We must not forget or set aside as unimportant, Family Home Evening. Family Home Evening is not a lecture from mom and dad. (We are guilty of that). Have fun together in Family Home Evening? We need to work on the “fun” part. I must not lose my patience and raise my voice in anger at my kids when I am frustrated during a homeschool day. This will make the Holy Spirit leave. This ultimate advice at the end is great for me: don’t give up!


Change of Plans in Homeschool

I love that I CAN have a change of plans in homeschool, either after much pondering, or on a whim and of a sudden. I have no need to contact a teacher, a principle, a common core standards creator or implementor or any government leader. Yesterday  was nauseous and vomiting. By mid-day, I was fairly sure it was a virus. By evening when my husband started vomiting, I knew for sure it was a virus. However, from 5 am until 10 am, I suspected it was because of anxiety over political things, things about the future of our nation and homeschooling. 

     One thing that came of it was a journal entry about how I need to make homeschooling easier on me and on the kids. The big thing I decided was that my child will not be taking any tests for college credit this year. Possibly, she will not next year, either. I am glad there are people who homeschool who can do that kind of thing and I am glad to know about the option t get college credit while a child is young. However, it is not for us right now. Still, we will learn the things about history because the DVDs and books about ancient world history I bought are great. The childrens’ fun “interactive notebook” (lapbook) and Power Point Presentations Bundle from a Teacher’s Pay Teachers store are also great. I will use them. The difference will be in my anxiety level and the anxiety level of my child. We will do it more slowly, more casually and more enjoyably! We will do it at our own pace with no pressure or worry. We will be enabled to enjoy the journey more.

     Another thing that came of it was a decision to write down one or just a few things, to focus on for each child in our homeschool. That is pretty much what we do at the beginning of the summer and I like it. I focus on their biggest needs and do not worry about anything else. They do a lot of teaching themselves based upon their interests, either intense or “on a whim.” I have come to see that the latter is how they learn more and learn more intensely.

     Recently, for example, my son learned Power Point from his cousin, so yesterday, he got on the computer and made something in Power Point. He really is doing things he could d better in Photoshop, so I need to teach him Photoshop! My daughters learned more about sculpture by making sculptures. She wanted to sell them on Etsy but I told her that making ten good sculptures and submitting slides to galleries will be a better way to go. She seemed upset, but I told her she could sell her sculptures for more that way. I also told her I did not learn that until I was thirty years old, so she is blessed to know it sooner. That is fodder not taught when you get a Bachelor of Art Degree in Visual Arts. It should be. One of my children has also been working much on learning to follow recipes and is having much learning happen there. Another really wants to learn many things but I have been too worried about other things to get to any of it nad help him. 

     I am still going to keep my rules for them, which rules regard television and technology, which I have listed in another post at length. I do not believe in having kids do whatever they want all day. I do believe in telling them they must be doing learning, housework, yardwork or doing something productive. I consider much play to be productive, too, which is crazy. I think they will understand Physics when we watch the physics DVDs and read the physics books I have on my amazon wish list, better after all of the playing they have done this past week. They learned much about gravity, acceleration and safety hazzards after their recent intense play as a group of siblings. I also taught them a lesson about wisdom and discussed with them how I was a child like them once and did learn by getting injured, just like them. I told them that people who have more years on them were always once children and that much of what they tell you, such as not to do this or that because they could get hurt, comes from learning that happened in their childhoods.

     I am eager today and tomorrow to learn, without throwing up, from the leaders, apostles and Prophet of God in the General Confence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I hope everyone is healthy today. I am grateful I am not throwing up!