Speech From Two Months Ago by Rosa Koire

It has been at least 2 years since I have been able to see a recent Rosa Koire speech. Here is one from 2 months ago. If you want, skip to when she starts speaking.

Speech at a Tea Party Meeting 2 Months Ago by Rosa Korie

Roy City, Utah Visioning Meeting October 12, 2016

Last night at the Roy Library, I was at battle, a soldier in that war on U.S. Sovereignty and Freedom. I attended the Roy Visioning Meeting. According to our Roy city council member, Robert Dandoy, who was in attendance, Roy is the third largest city in Davis and Weber Counties combined. The largest is Ogden. The second largest (and my beloved home town) is Layton. Based on web searches, Roy appears to be the third city in these two large counties to have a visioning meeting. Which cities are next?

     I went to the meeting. I did not feel listened to. The Wasatch Front Regional Council is not an elected body. An ICLEI visioning meeting is not done via a representative government. It is a regional government all about taxation without representation and tyranny, so what can one expect?

The Next Workshop

The next workshop will also be at the Roy Library. It will be on January 25, 2017. I assume it will also be at 6:00 p.m. Please come and defend our freedoms by alerting the people around you, the city officials, the city council and the city employees, that there are more than one of us who wants to keep U.S. freedom and sovereignty intact! They do not even care whether you live in Roy. Anyone who lives anywhere can “vote.”

Multiple Choice “Clicker” Voting

One of the battles was after the beginning presentation (slide presentation), in which people who are not asked to show any identification are given a clicker which allows them to vote on one of seven choices. Which of these seven sustainability, re-development and economic development items do you care about most for your city?

We citizens of these United States of America have been given multiple choice questions so many times in our public schools that we think that it is completely fine, normal and acceptable for our voice to be limited to seven choices. Isn’t brainstorming the best way to come up with the best ideas?

I apologize for this exhausting list, but I have to make my point because this point is extremely important to our understanding and the preservation of what liberties and freedoms we have left still.

The Founding Fathers of our great and exceptional *SOVEREIGN nation would be appalled that we think this is how decisions about our own city should be made. Virginia citizens definitely would not have ever let Benjamin Franklin, of Pennsylvania, lead a meeting for Virginia with a multiple choice question format designed supposedly to give Virginia citizens a vote about building large buildings and knocking down whatever is there.

*to learn what sovereign means, read about President Obama telling the UN he wants to give up U.S. Sovereignty.

Attendance at Roy Visioning Workshop I

My best guess is that there were 5 to 7 actual Roy citizens there. There was one guy from UTA. There were 12-14 people from the Wasatch Front Regional Council. (This is an unelected regional council, by the way, a “taxation without representation” entity. UTA is now part of ICLEI because it receives ICLEI money. (As is my city).

Roy’s City Manager kept repeating that there is web address (with Survey Monkey) so that people can give input online. Although I took the survey, the most important things about Roy city to me are the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. That was not a survey choice.

I do not think the survey is important for anyone to take. The workshop and the survey are to placate the people (and the city council, city officials and employees) so that they think the citizens of Roy have had a voice, when in reality, no Roy citizen will ever have a voice in this. The voices were “heard” in December of 1989 (More on this later in the post). None of these ICLEI visioning meetings in any group of professionals or in any city or county or state, is local. It is all part of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives, headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Yes, indeed. It is a foreign attack from within. The battle front of this war is right in our very own city council meetings and city visioning workshops.

The Purpose of the Roy Visioning Workshops

The final presenter, who closed the beginning portion of the meeting, said in answer to a question of mine,

“Our purpose here tonight is to make you feel like you were listened to, so that you can leave here and tell your friends, ‘I was there, and they listened to me.'”

He meant that literally; He was for real; He was telling the truth. He truly meant to say “FEEL LIKE you were listened to” instead of “Our purpose tonight is to listen to you and take into account your input.” In reality, nothing that any of us who are real Roy residents have said or will ever say to the Wasatch Front Regional Council will ever be taken into account in any way. Literally, the true purpose of all ICLEI visioning meetings is for us to be convinced that we have been listened to and for us to say to others around us, “I was there. They listened to me. I gave my input.”

     This is called the Delphi Technique. The objective is to convince people they have been listened to when they have not been listened to at all.

The purpose of doing THAT is to make it so that our transition into membership in a Regional, Fully Taxed, No-Representation Government will happen with no protests or knowledge by the public, whatsoever.

James Otis, U.S. Politician and Patriot, said, “Taxation without representation is tyranny!”

The Mapping Activity Portion of Roy Visioning Workshop I

The man with white hair and glasses at my mapping table opened with, “As a lifetime citizen of Roy, …” when the mapping activity began. I am sure he did this on purpose and for emphasis, but he was lying. When I asked, “What is the name of that burger place that is always crowded, which is on this corner, here?” He said NOTHING. If you are reading this and are going to be going to your own city’s visioning meeting, try that one on them. Ask about a local place pretty much everyone knows about. See what they know. If they know nothing, you’ve got ’em! I grew up  Layton and I am a VEGAN. I know about the Burger Bar. He was supposedly a “lifetime Roy Resident” and had no clue. The Burger Bar has a sign that says they have been open 40 years. It was featured on the T.V. show, “Drives and Dives” because it is so popular and exceptional (though not for a vegan). This man looked to be in his mid-60s, with white hair. Is he really expecting anyone in the meeting to believe he is a lifetime resident of Roy?  I had no idea that the people brought in to “act” like they are part of the city would outright lie. This meeting is more like dinner mystery theater than anything. One has to figure out who is acting and who is for real (not lying). The whole time, you have to figure our who is a real Roy citizen and who is a planted helper of the ICLEI group, which in this case has its local offices in Salt Lake City.

This man with white hair kept trying to add mixed use buildings everywhere. He kept saying, “I think this would be a nice place for a mixed use building.” Mixed use is a new term which was not used before all this Sustainable Redevelopment started. Here are examples of mixed use development zoned areas in Ogden, Utah, which you are probably familiar with.

Here is an excerpt, a list, from this web site, Bye, Bye, Blue Sky, of buzzwords which should alert you that what they are talking about is Agenda 21 (You should definitely click on that link and watch that video). Scroll down to the “M” words and you will see “Mixed Use Development.” I have marked all of the words used in last night’s meeting in bold.

beginning of reference quote:


Eco-green fascism under the innocuous guise of sustainability to usher in One World Government and carbon taxation.

     Rosa Koire and her team at Democrats Against Agenda 21 put together this comprehensive list of key words and phrases that are often used at the local level when discussing Agenda 21 related initiatives.

Affordable housing
Ballot Box Planning
Benefit of all
Buffer Zones
Cap & Trade
Climate Change
Common Core Curriculum
Common good
Community Protocol
Comprehensive planning
Conservation Easement
Direct instruction
Endangered species
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Environmental Justice
General Plan
Global Warming
Good Business Sense
Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions
Growth management
HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Communities
Healthy Communities Strategy
High Speed Rail
Historic preservation
Housing Element
International baccalaureate
International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Invasive species
Jobs-Housing Connection
Land Use Policies
Lifelong learning
Livable Communities
Local Governments for Sustainability
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Mixed Use Development
Multi-Use Dwellings
New Economy New Urbanism
New World Order
One planet communities
Open Space
Outcome based education
Parking Policy
Precautionary approach
Precautionary Principle
Priority Conservation Areas
Priority Development Areas (PDA)
Public/Private partnerships
Quality of life
Resilient Cities
Responsible development

Safe Routes to Schools
Scenic views and vistas
School to work
Sensitive Lands
Smart growth
Smart Streets
Social justice
Stack and Pack Housing
Sustainable Communities Initiative
Sustainable communities partnership
Sustainable communities strategies
Sustainable development
Sustainable Economic Development
Sustainable medicine
Three “E”s of Sustainability: Equity, Economy, Environment
Traffic calming
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
Transportation Justice
Triple bottom line
Urban Growth Boundary
Urban revitalization
Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax
Vibrant Neighborhoods
Visioning Meetings
Walkable Communities

———-end of reference

(Another is “bikable.” Another is “complete streets.” The one used at my meeting was just “bicycle lane.” They talked much about bicycle lanes being wider. They said “increase the biking easement so that the bike can take up a whole lane.” Most people know that very few bikers are ever there and most are driving in cars. The road for vehicles needs to be wider. You will know it is Agenda 21 and the Sustainability movement when they keep pushing biking over driving. I used to bike to work when I was a teen—I get it. However, the bike lanes should only be pushed if they are needed. They should not be pushed JUST BECAUSE of the green movement (which is ICLEI).

During the mapping activity, I was told not to worry about any of my worries because it would be rezoned and they would shape the laws so that this building can go there and nothing else would be allowed to be there because anything else would be against the planning codes. What they meant was that the Agenda 21 Land Use Policies would become the local laws because of the acceptance of a grant by our city council. That was literal, too. That, I know, was the truth. They really will change the building codes and zoning codes so that certain things are not allowed and other things are. I know that on Roy’s web site, it mentions that things must be approved or disputed by talking with the person in charge of planning (Steve Parkinson).

See this document on Roy City’s web site, which says “Land Use Maps Consistency Required.”  See this current Future Land Use Map of Roy, here on Roy’s web site.

Watch this Must-See Video made for Land Use Planners, featuring Meg Ryan, (Fascist-NWO-lover, not actress). Its purpose is to teach them how to do their jobs. It is very scary and creepy! Utah professionals who could possibly be unaware of ICLEI’s existence and even of Agenda 21, are employed in Utah as “Land Use Planners.”

At one time during the mapping, I was told none of the decisions we made on this map were real, so we should just do what we want with this map. They said it was just for us to dream and imagine, to envision. I know that is true. They definitely will not take into account any of what we said.

At the mapping activity, I protested, saying there were homes here, and what are the people living in them going to do? One of them said to me, “You have to imagine there was a big earthquake and the whole city was destroyed. What would you do then?”  When I told my husband about that, he thought this was a scary meeting. It was, as are all of these ICLEI visioning meetings for cities across the U.S. of A.  They want to play God. They want us to relish in playing God ourselves. Awful!

Full Text PDF of Agenda 21 Document

What Agenda 21 (Official Global Document) Says About Economic Development

In case any of you believe this future planning, re-zoning and re-development of our city will improve our city’s economy, I assure you that I have read enough to know that its purpose is to destroy our economy in the U.S. of A. Let me tell you something about what we all agreed to December 22, 1989. I know we all agreed to it because it says, “It reflects a global consensus,” (Agenda 21, Section 1.2).

Agenda 21 Quotes about the Economies of the World:

Section 1.4: “Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries.” (Wealth will be moved From wealthy countries to poorer ones. Understand, this means monies will FLOW from the U.S. of A. and all first world countries.)

Section 1.5 : “economies in transition,” (In transition from wealth to the standard globally communist poverty or poverty to the standard globally communist wealth, depending upon where the country starts. All countries will be at the same economic level. That is the goal.)

Section 2.5: “an open, equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable multilateral trading system that is consistent with…optimal distribution of global production…comparative advantage…improved market access for developing countries’ exports.” (A predictable TRADING SYSTEM?!?!)My Uncle Steven would get a kick out of the idea of predictable gambling in Wendover. What say you? Here, here! Lol! “Improved market access for developing countries’ exports” means decreased market access for first world countries.

Section 2.6: “effective and predictable public administration

“…progress toward democratic government (ours is a Constitutional Republic. Note the U.S. Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance).

Section 2.7: “tariff and non-tariff impediments…

…limiting their access to export markets. (This means global U.N. laws limiting the exports of first world countries.)

“The removal of existing distortions in international trade…

“…substantial and progressive reduction in the support and protection of agriculture…” [Substantial means we will notice because it will be a huge difference. Progressive means gradually brought on so that nobody will protest because nobody will notice. (Progressive means we will be like the frog in the pot, when the water starts out cold and gets increasingly hotter. The frog dies, having always said he would get out when it got too hot.)]

…in order to avoid inflicting large losses on the more efficient producers, especially in developing countries.” (All of the above is for the purpose of making the third world countries come up to the level of the first world countries, at the expense of the first world countries.

Section 2.8: “…the expansion of world trade has continued to grow faster than world output in recent years. However, the expansion of world trade has been unevenly spread, and only a limited number of developing countries have been capable of achieving appreciable growth in their exports….affecting particularly the export interests of developing countries.” [In 1989, fairness was too uneven in the world. It was not a communist world.  That, we considered a bad thing. I say we, because, as you can see from section 1.4, we all agreed to this in 1989. (There was a global CONSENSUS).]

The meaning of this Agenda 21 plan made in 1989 (Agenda 21 meaning agenda for the 21st century) is for wealthy countries to let their economic advantages go out the window in order to help developing countries bring their economies to the same level as that of the U.S. and for one Communist Wold Government with taxation but no representation. It also says they will make agricultural laws which will hinder agricultural production in the U.S. and help agricultural production in developing countries. It says there will possibly be a lack of tariff impediments. What I read here is, the developing countries will get to export to the U.S. so that we, who have restrictions on agricultural production, will be forced to either starve or buy food from developing countries to bring up their economies at the expense of ours.

One of the means of bringing the U.S, economy to the level of the economies of all other countries so that we live in one big communist governed world, is this whole REDEVELOPMENT trick they are pulling on us via this Wasatch Front Regional Council. The plan is to destroy Roy’s sovereignty.

HR 5 2015: The Frog in the Pot: “But It’s Only a Teensy Bit Warmer Now–Not Much!”

HR5 2015:
-Makes getting help for your special needs child very risky. If it passes, do not take your child to get special needs help from any program or institution which uses Federal government money. If you do, you could potentially lose your parental rights. (Unless, of course, you are very lucky).
-Denies parents rights over children when the parent takes federal money, by going to a school which accepted it. It does not say you could possibly lose the right to homeschool. It says you could potentially lose your parental rights! They want your parental rights! Your parental rights are worth more than money and they know that!
-Violates states’ rights from ammendment X by saying that the state will waive its rights to control education, when it accepts any money at all (even title one funds) from the Federal Govt. (Can you imagine a state not taking these funds?)

-Makes the local school board useless (not as if it is if any use now, with our state Governor having the power to apooint school board candidates). What we should be doing is working offense instead of defense, trying to pass something that says anyone can run for school board.

-Will destroy any private school that accepts money.

-Will threaten parents who have kids with special needs, who homeschool and send their child to a school to get (for example) speech help, from the district. These will unknowingly be accepting the potential to lose their parental rights, just because their child is benefitting from a program paid for by the Federal Government. The parents of America are completely foolish when it comes to politics, and will have no clue that they are signing up for this. Pediatricians will not warn them, because they will be just as clueless about this obscure law hidden in a 600 page ammendment to the Student Success Act.

HR 5 Student Success Act Ammendment of 2015 Scary
Some of you are only thinking of yourselves at this time: “How will this affect homeschoolers who do not accept or use Federal Dollars?” Many homeschool moms have been asking me on facebook about this.

Are you alone in this world? Are you an Island? Think of your family, friends and neighbors, too. Please care about them, too. They are not all homeschooling. Even your friend who homeschools her kids may go and use some district moneys because her child has special needs, Should this pass, will you warn her about this ammendment? Will she believe you? When things are not going well 5 years from now with her special needs child, will they say it is her fault for being imperfect at assisting the special needs child in becoming the way the United Nations wants the child to be (for a working population) and take her to court in order to take away her parental rights? What will you do then? Will you remember my warning and mourn, powerless?

I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Chile. In 1997, my companion and I met a girl who said that the military police had come and taken her sister, to put her in a mental institution, because mentally, her sister had not improved, so the parents had lost their rights to be in charge of their own daughter. The military police had come and taken their daughter, and they, powerless, had lost the right even to visit her in the mental hospital. I am so not kidding. I remember thinking of our freedoms here in the United States, and how that would never happen in the U.S. Never was too strong a thought.

I repeat: NEVER was too strong a thought. In 1997, you’d have said “never” mentally, too. But now? Would you now? If you would, you need to get new spectacles–Your sight is going bad.

Kline said it provides an opportunity to chart a new course. What new course? A course following Agenda 21, ICLEI and Earth Summit, ot will be, for sure. A course toward The New World Order it will be. Cradle to grave will have a whole new meaning if this passes. Read more about these here: Links, Etc. for Presentation at Winter Homeschool Conference

Already, everyone’s health information is not private, but Fed owned (unless you have signed a waiver at the doctor’s office). Already the Feds have eminent domain to take our land, and a right to control who has guns. Already they are asking me in the doctor’s office, “Do you own a gun?” Already, most of our cities, charities and Universities have ICLEI “sustainability” partnerships. Already, Common Core took over schools Unconstitutionally with bribe money (because Ammendment X says all powers not mentioned before that, are reserved to the states, so education decisions should belong to the states). Now they just want to go a step farther and secure their position a little bit more firmly.

What to do:

1) Call your U.S. House Representative (and if you want to, the others, who do not represent our section, Northernmost Northern Utah).

2) Spread the word to all in the nation. This is not a Utah thing. It is a U.S. thing.

3) Wait until our tracker on govtrack.us (link above) tells us it has or has not passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

4) If it passes, we contact  our U.S. Senators to make sure it does not pass the Senate.

If it does not pass the House and Senate, we celebrate.

5) If it passes House and Senate, President Obama will sign it into law for sure.

6) If that happens, we wait and watch as people more involved in politics who have attorney friends, sue Congress for making this ammendment which is unconstitutional, beause it is trying to steal states’ rights as granted in Ammendment X. We see how it will work just as effectively for the Mormons as did the Federal Judge who said states cannot stop LGBT marriages from being valid and cannot say no to performing them.

7) Then we cry lots.

8) Then we tell everybody that if they do not homeschool, they have lost their parental rights to be in charge of the education of their child.

“Oh, but this is just one teensy step farther. It isn’t VERY scary. It isn’t much.”

We are like the frog swimming in the water, slowly being boiled to death. We could hop out at any time, but we won’t because we are saying, “oh, it is just a teensy bit warmer–not much!”

So, o.k. Let’s just boil to death. It’s no big deal. Jesus will come save us. Let’s just sit on our haunches and wait for Him. He would for sure want us to just sit here and watch it happen.


Captain Moroni was awesome. Some of you do not know who he was. If all men were like him, the very gates of hell would be shaken forever:

Moroni was the Captain of the Army in the Pre-Columbian Americas who decided to fight for the liberty to worship God, protect their families, to protect their religion, and to protect their freedoms.

If all men were like unto Moroni, Resolutions like this HR 5 of 2015 would not exist.

Protect your families. Make sure this Resolution does not pass.


HR 5 “Student Success Act”: Scariest. House Resolution. Ever!

HR 5 of 2015 is very scary. Let’s not underestimate the power of changing laws gradually and slowly with 600 page ammendments by Resolutions of Congress!



HR5 is up for vote this week (Friday, February 27th, 2015). HR 5 2015, 114th Congress Student Success Act new changes proposed

You may lose your right to direct your child’s education.

SPEAK UP! After reading all this, please: 

 -Call your U.S. House of Representatives member, who represents your State! Tell them you are against HR5!

-Copy and paste this article and spread the news to your friends and to your facebook groups.

-Print this article and distribute it in your neighborhood, to other parents at your local school, to relatives, to your friends and in the groups you belong to (before Friday, February 27th, 2015)!


Here in this you will see all the details about what I am discussing here: Article written by a woman who read all 600 pages of the new 2015 version of HR 5

Our state may lose its right to have separate laws regarding education (Utah’s laws protecting our rights ti direct our childrens’s educations will be nullified).

Private Schools will not have the right to teach any non- secular items, will be monitored by the Feds and will report to the Feds.

I am a homeschool mom. If this passes, none of us who homeschool will have the right to do so. We will no longer get to sit and ponder over how we want our child educated. The U.S. Department of Education’s Common Core will be the only choice!

It says you have parental rights in education:

“other than the Federal Government’s undiminishable obligation to enforce minimum Federal Standards of equal protection and due process.”

It grants the parents the right to have a “participating role” in the education of their kids should they accept any help from Federal funds given their state or private school or any federal aid program. This means you can volunteer in the classroom, but you cannot be your child’s teacher. You may have a “secondary supportive role of parents or guardians” (in education).

They are adding yet another clause to the Constitution, pertaining to education, in a resolution changing an Act, that will help them in saying, “We have an obligation to enforce Federal Standards in “equal protection” and “due Process.” Since you are not allowing your kids ti have an equal protection in education and you are not allowing them the right to an equal education, we get to take away your parental rights.

It does not just say they will make you stop homeschooling. It ways they will take away your parental rights.

Read More Here

If this passes, there will be no choice but the “false choice,” which is:

Choice A: Common Core from this school which is a Private School

Choice B: Common Core in your homechool with a Federal Government personnel coming to your house to make sure your child has due process and “equal protection” in education (an education equal to that of all other kids–equal meaning the same).

Choice C: Common Core in a Charter School

Choice D: Common Core online (charter, public or private school from home, with another teacher in charge of your child’s education (not you).

Choice E: Common Core from your local Public School

Choice F: Stay safe. Homeschool and do not participate in any program which receives Federal Aid (including aid for your special ed child, or speech therapy free from the district

Now, lest you think, “awe, who cares? They will not enforce this!” I am warning you that they will. Powerful people have obligations with Agenda 21/ ICLEI/ New World Order
to make our Nation ONE with the World. The United Nations has little power to enforce things here in the U.S. This HR 5 will give the U.N. much, much, much more control over you, over me and over our children.

They will go after the power of the states first. Then they will go after the private schools. Then they will go after the homeschools.

We cannot afford to say in our minds, “Behold, All is well in Zion. Yea, Zion Prospereth.” (2 Nephi 28:21, The Book of Mormon)

All is not well and if we sit on our haunches and let this pass, it will have been our decision to do nothing, and to let our freedoms be given away by our U.S. House of Representatives Reps!

Here is the full text of HR 5

Even Public Education is Against this HR 5 by Congress!

Read More Here

This Land is Their Land. It is not your land…

“This land is your land. This land is my land, from the red wood forest, to the gulf stream waters. This land is your land. This land is my land. This land was made for you and me!” I really wish this song went like this: “This land is my land. It is not your land, in California, and on Native tribe lands. This is not your land, but it is their land. Eminent Domain is a bad law. This land is their land. It is not your land. Obama, you are a dictator!”

My son said, “We have to tell President Obama to be a good guy. We have to be good. We have to be good always.” He is hoping President Obama doesn’t know where our city is. This is why:

Obama land grab California

I am of the opinion that they merely want to control all of us, eventually. They are taking bit by bit, so that eventually, they will own and control all of the land. Emanent domain says the City, State and National government can take whatever land they want, from any of us. We must get rid of the emanent domain rights of government. There is also much propoganda of late, going around, about how the Native aamericans had said, that the Great Spirit is who the land belongs to, and it cannot belong to a person. This is government propoganda for us to let the government have the land, so that nobody owns it. The problem is, an entity will own it, and it is, an Oligarchy. The second problem is, the Oligarchy is not the Great Spirit, but is an evil form of government, which we must fight off, as it wants to replace our Constitutional Republic.

Utah, We Love Thee. Keep Local, Local.

Join this group, please. https://www.facebook.com/groups/UtahnsAgainstICLEI/


My dear fellow Utahns:

You love everything about helping local this and local that. You want decisions to be made locally. You love your local school. You love your local restaurants and your locally produced vegetables. You love local control in education and local control of your city government.

Let me help you keep loving your local, the best way possible. I am your friendly Utah Local-Lovin’ investigative political writer.

You know your city council is elected by locals. Right? Right. However, your city council may not currently hold the power. It is possible your city council is controlled by people in Bonn, Germany.

“Say, what? Lol! This woman is crazy.” Not really. There are things you need to know.

Have you read the local news in the newspaper lately? If not, you need to. This is where it’s all shakin’ out. This is where you are losing your liberties and freedoms the fastest. This is where you are needed.

When I was growing up, I did not find it common to see city council members kicked out, or resigning, or retiring. How often is this happening now? How often are city council members accused of crap? How often are they just too tired to keep going? Every week! This city, that city, and the next city. This was not common when I was growing up.

You’d think there would be people in cities, smart enough to elect someone who does not plan to retire or get too tired or who is more honest? Right?

“Ha ha. This is crazy. Why are city council people so fickle?” You ask. The answer? They are not. They are sick of the regulations. They have no power. They have no control. Their hands are tied. If they speak out, they are canned. There is dirt on them somewhere. Bonn, Germany will find it and oust them.

Why would Bonn, Germany care about your local city council person? I will tell you right now. They don’t want someone local, to control your city. They want to control your city, themselves. They are ICLEI! They are the New World Order.

“Never heard of ICLEI,” you say. “New World Order does not exist. If I have not heard of it, then it is made up. The television news or the local paper did not mention ICLEI,” you say. It’s not made up. You wish it were. It’s not.

About ICLEI:

What does ICLEI stand for? ICLEI stands for “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,” says Rosa Koire. What is its history and background, and whee is it headquartered? Rosa’s web site says it was created in 1990 by the United Nations and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Because it is considered a non-governmental non-profit organization (NGO), it gets away with controlling things here in Utah, and circumvents Constitutional Laws against states and cities making treaties with foreign governments. Rosa says, “Ultimately this facilitates global governance by invalidating individual cities, counties, states, and nations with agreements and interwoven systems to which they are bound by contract: public private partnerships.” (I might add, now, cities are not the smallest entities making contracts. Small businesses, non-profit organizations, Universities and local public schools are now being welcomed to sign on. They are even competing with one another. I do not think these local entities know they are signing contracts with the devil. They just think they are committing to “going green.” They just want to recycle, emit fewer carbon emissions, use solar panels, etc.

Source: Democrats Against Agenda 21, at http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/iclei-when-they-say-local-they-mean-it.html#sthash.xHgHU1g1.dpuf

What is “sustainability?” I asked my husband, and he thought it was about businesses and their employees. He said it means they are able to maintain it or keep it going (a business). I asked him what he thought a sustainability office is for. He thought that was a strange idea. He wondered why a sustainability office was needed. I told him this word is now being used with keeping our earth sustained for 2050, or the year 3000. He thought that was very odd.

It is odd, but very common. Look everywhere. You will see that many schools, non-profit organizations, Universities, businesses, cities, counties, and partnerships between two cities on opposite sides of the world, have sustainability offices, goals, etcetera. They use phrases like “Smart Growth” and words like “Utopia.” They say things like, “We have a Sustainability Crisis.” They talk about “carbon footprint” and “carbon emissions.” They use words like “Vision 2015,” or “Vision 2040.” Sustainability and Vision 2040 means they are looking to keep their community livable for the residents of the community in the year 2040. It means they are worried that if they do not partner with ICLEI, then they will not know how to keep their entity ready for the future generation.

Really? So, if my local public school does not partner with experts in being green, located in Bonn, Germany, fathered by the United Nations, then this local public school will not exist in 2040, just 25 years from now? Uh huh. O.k. I got it.

If my tiny city does not form a pact with this Bonn, Germany “non-Governmental Organization,” then it will be full of litter and will be completely polluted by 2040, 25 years from now. This is because here in my city, people without this partnership with Germany, would not pick up litter and would make sure to have factories that pollute the air like crazy. This would make my little teeny city a place that would not sustain human populations for my grandkids or great grandkids.

Well, good thing we have Bonn, Germany to keep us clean and green, then! Phew!

Check out these Utah entities which have been propogandized and peer pressured into getting “Sustainability Offices.” In most cases, this means they have a partnership with ICLEI. Some of these have entered into competitions sponsored by ICLEI. If you win, you get money from the NEW World Order. Congrats, guys! The New World Order is happy to have you on board!

1) Universities in Utah:

University of Utah

Weber State




2) green business challenge

3) green business competition

4) Green School Awards!

5) Utah Society for Environmental Education
The survey by survey monkey is educational

6) the enlightened 50
First of 4 qualifications to be nominated:
“pioneer innovative and sustainable approaches to the critical issues facing Utah”

7) intermountain Sustainability Summit

Not only those, but more, look suspiciously connected to ICLEI, to me. These are Thermwise and Blue Sky programs, Rocky Mountain Power, UTA (Utah Transit Authority), and Utah’s Hogle Zoo.

How can you find out whether they are part of ICLEI? Well, ask the leaders what policies and regulations (building codes, zoning codes) they have to uphold. Then ask them who made the policies. Ask that person why that policy was made. You will likely hear about Vision 20-something, or Smart Growth Initiative. This is ICLEI for sure. Ask them for the chance to read their Vision 2040, or their Smart Growth Initiative contract. You will see that the contract is with ICLEI. Your mouth will drop open. Then you can tell them about ICLEI and who they really are. They do not likely know.

Rosa Koire says to watch out for news about these, locally:

“redevelopment projects, bicycle boulevards, neighborhood summits, neighborhood elections, neighborhood revitalization projects, neighborhood stabilization projects, visioning, local boards, smart growth projects, low-income housing subsidies, transportation grants, green building retrofit programs, well monitoring, SMART electric and gas meters, Common Core…”

Source: Democrats Against Agenda 21 at http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/what-can-i-do.html#sthash.xajZrqNr.dpuf

Also, watch out for eminent domain and your city’s “blighted” neighborhoods, your city having had a “heated” discussion in a council meeting over zoning or building codes (and then rescheduling the meeting to make sure locals were not there). This happened in Kaysville, Utah, a few months ago. Check out the article in the Standard Examiner.

Talk to your University’s Sustainability Office. Talk to your school district about the building codes for new school buildings. Ask a non-profit organization what codes and regulations they have to follow and why. Find out whether they are competing for money for being the most green. Find out where the money comes from (who soonsors the contest).

Find out if entities have a “sustainability office” and if they do, this is likely the local ICLEI office. Find out which personnel have been canned and why. Find out which arguments were taking place in the entity before the person retired or was accused of something bad. If they were accused and came out clean, then make sure you find out the details of the story. It is possible that ICLEI wanted to get rid of this person for its own reasons.

Find out if your city, county, local school or a local business is striving to get “grants” for “smart growth initiatives.” They will say, “this will save us so much money.” They will get money from the grant or smart growth initiative (ICLEI) for following building codes (regulations made by ICLEI).

Look out for a business or school being involved in a going green” (a “going green” contest). These are also very suspicious and stink of a possible contract with the International Non-Government Organization from Bonn, Germany.

Please go be a detective. I cannot do this alone. This is a big monster and we need a lot of help to fight it. This is like the Revolutionary War. The difference is, you do not need to physically fight. You need to sleuth-fight. You need to be an investigative, curious citizen. You need to be a detective and find out what entity is behind initiatives, susatainability offices, visions, and smart growth policies.

Please go sleuthing around, and find out whether they have a commitment to ICLEI. If so, let them know what it is. Let them know that they can be environmentally conscious without making a deal with this devil. They don’t likely have a clue that they have made a deal with this devil! You are their informant. Tell them!

If they know and don’t care, tell your community. Hopefully, you will have kept a “paper trail” so that you have evidence to prove that this entity is with ICLEI.

Please join facebook group, Utahns Against ICLEI. Thanks!

Thank you. Thank you for being on board. Thank you for joining the Revolution. Thank you for being a “Local” enthusiast. Thank you for helping to keep our local entities, local. Join this group, please! https://www.facebook.com/groups/UtahnsAgainstICLEI/

ICLEI in Utah


My dear fellow Utahns:

You love everything about helping local this and local that. You want decisions to be made locally. You love your local school. You love your local restaurants and your locally produced vegetables. You love local control in education and local control of your city government.

Let me help you keep loving your local, the best way possible. I am your friendly Utah Local-Lovin’ investigative political writer.

You know your city council is elected by locals. Right? Right. However, your city council may not currently hold the power. It is possible your city council is controlled by people in Bonn, Germany.

“Say, what? Lol! This woman is crazy.” Not really. There are things you need to know.

Have you read the local news in the newspaper lately? If not, you need to. This is where it’s all shakin’ out. This is where you are losing your liberties and freedoms the fastest. This is where you are needed.

When I was growing up, I did not find it common to see city council members kicked out, or resigning, or retiring. How often is this happening now? How often are city council members accused of crap? How often are they just too tired to keep going? Every week! This city, that city, and the next city. This was not common when I was growing up.

You’d think there would be people in cities, smart enough to elect someone who does not plan to retire or get too tired or who is more honest? Right?

“Ha ha. This is crazy. Why are city council people so fickle?” You ask. The answer? They are not. They are sick of the regulations. They have no power. They have no control. Their hands are tied. If they speak out, they are canned. There is dirt on them somewhere. Bonn, Germany will find it and oust them.

Why would Bonn, Germany care about your local city council person? I will tell you right now. They don’t want someone local, to control your city. They want to control your city, themselves. They are ICLEI! They are the New World Order.

“Never heard of ICLEI,” you say. “New World Order does not exist. If I have not heard of it, then it is made up. The television news or the local paper did not mention ICLEI,” you say. It’s not made up. You wish it were. It’s not.

About ICLEI:

What does ICLEI stand for? ICLEI stands for “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,” says Rosa Koire. What is its history and background, and whee is it headquartered? Rosa’s web site says it was created in 1990 by the United Nations and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Because it is considered a non-governmental non-profit organization (NGO), it gets away with controlling things here in Utah, and circumvents Constitutional Laws against states and cities making treaties with foreign governments. Rosa says, “Ultimately this facilitates global governance by invalidating individual cities, counties, states, and nations with agreements and interwoven systems to which they are bound by contract: public private partnerships.” (I might add, now, cities are not the smallest entities making contracts. Small businesses, non-profit organizations, Universities and local public schools are now being welcomed to sign on. They are even competing with one another. I do not think these local entities know they are signing contracts with the devil. They just think they are committing to “going green.” They just want to recycle, emit fewer carbon emissions, use solar panels, etc.

Source: Democrats Against Agenda 21, at http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/iclei-when-they-say-local-they-mean-it.html#sthash.xHgHU1g1.dpuf

What is “sustainability?” I asked my husband, and he thought it was about businesses and their employees. He said it means they are able to maintain it or keep it going (a business). I asked him what he thought a sustainability office is for. He thought that was a strange idea. He wondered why a sustainability office was needed. I told him this word is now being used with keeping our earth sustained for 2050, or the year 3000. He thought that was very odd.

It is odd, but very common. Look everywhere. You will see that many schools, non-profit organizations, Universities, businesses, cities, counties, and partnerships between two cities on opposite sides of the world, have sustainability offices, goals, etcetera. They use phrases like “Smart Growth” and words like “Utopia.” They say things like, “We have a Sustainability Crisis.” They talk about “carbon footprint” and “carbon emissions.” They use words like “Vision 2015,” or “Vision 2040.” Sustainability and Vision 2040 means they are looking to keep their community livable for the residents of the community in the year 2040. It means they are worried that if they do not partner with ICLEI, then they will not know how to keep their entity ready for the future generation.

Really? So, if my local public school does not partner with experts in being green, located in Bonn, Germany, fathered by the United Nations, then this local public school will not exist in 2040, just 25 years from now? Uh huh. O.k. I got it.

If my tiny city does not form a pact with this Bonn, Germany “non-Governmental Organization,” then it will be full of litter and will be completely polluted by 2040, 25 years from now. This is because here in my city, people without this partnership with Germany, would not pick up litter and would make sure to have factories that pollute the air like crazy. This would make my little teeny city a place that would not sustain human populations for my grandkids or great grandkids.

Well, good thing we have Bonn, Germany to keep us clean and green, then! Phew!

Check out these Utah entities which have been propogandized and peer pressured into getting “Sustainability Offices.” In most cases, this means they have a partnership with ICLEI. Some of these have entered into competitions sponsored by ICLEI. If you win, you get money from the NEW World Order. Congrats, guys! The New World Order is happy to have you on board!

1) Universities in Utah:

University of Utah

Weber State




2) green business challenge

3) green business competition

4) Green School Awards!

5) Utah Society for Environmental Education
The survey by survey monkey is educational

6) the enlightened 50
First of 4 qualifications to be nominated:
“pioneer innovative and sustainable approaches to the critical issues facing Utah”

7) intermountain Sustainability Summit

Not only those, but more, look suspiciously connected to ICLEI, to me. These are Thermwise and Blue Sky programs, Rocky Mountain Power, UTA (Utah Transit Authority), and Utah’s Hogle Zoo.

How can you find out whether they are part of ICLEI? Well, ask the leaders what policies and regulations (building codes, zoning codes) they have to uphold. Then ask them who made the policies. Ask that person why that policy was made. You will likely hear about Vision 20-something, or Smart Growth Initiative. This is ICLEI for sure. Ask them for the chance to read their Vision 2040, or their Smart Growth Initiative contract. You will see that the contract is with ICLEI. Your mouth will drop open. Then you can tell them about ICLEI and who they really are. They do not likely know.

Rosa Koire says to watch out for news about these, locally:

“redevelopment projects, bicycle boulevards, neighborhood summits, neighborhood elections, neighborhood revitalization projects, neighborhood stabilization projects, visioning, local boards, smart growth projects, low-income housing subsidies, transportation grants, green building retrofit programs, well monitoring, SMART electric and gas meters, Common Core…”

Source: Democrats Against Agenda 21 at http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/what-can-i-do.html#sthash.xajZrqNr.dpuf

Also, watch out for eminent domain and your city’s “blighted” neighborhoods, your city having had a “heated” discussion in a council meeting over zoning or building codes (and then rescheduling the meeting to make sure locals were not there). This happened in Kaysville, Utah, a few months ago. Check out the article in the Standard Examiner.

Talk to your University’s Sustainability Office. Talk to your school district about the building codes for new school buildings. Ask a non-profit organization what codes and regulations they have to follow and why. Find out whether they are competing for money for being the most green. Find out where the money comes from (who soonsors the contest).

Find out if entities have a “sustainability office” and if they do, this is likely the local ICLEI office. Find out which personnel have been canned and why. Find out which arguments were taking place in the entity before the person retired or was accused of something bad. If they were accused and came out clean, then make sure you find out the details of the story. It is possible that ICLEI wanted to get rid of this person for its own reasons.

Find out if your city, county, local school or a local business is striving to get “grants” for “smart growth initiatives.” They will say, “this will save us so much money.” They will get money from the grant or smart growth initiative (ICLEI) for following building codes (regulations made by ICLEI).

Look out for a business or school being involved in a going green” (a “going green” contest). These are also very suspicious and stink of a possible contract with the International Non-Government Organization from Bonn, Germany.

Please go be a detective. I cannot do this alone. This is a big monster and we need a lot of help to fight it. This is like the Revolutionary War. The difference is, you do not need to physically fight. You need to sleuth-fight. You need to be an investigative, curious citizen. You need to be a detective and find out what entity is behind initiatives, susatainability offices, visions, and smart growth policies.

Please go sleuthing around, and find out whether they have a commitment to ICLEI. If so, let them know what it is. Let them know that they can be environmentally conscious without making a deal with this devil. They don’t likely have a clue that they have made a deal with this devil! You are their informant. Tell them!

If they know and don’t care, tell your community. Hopefully, you will have kept a “paper trail” so that you have evidence to prove that this entity is with ICLEI.

Please join facebook group, Utahns Against ICLEI. Thanks!

Thank you. Thank you for being on board. Thank you for joining the Revolution. Thank you for being a “Local” enthusiast. Thank you for helping to keep our local entities, local.