The Calculus of Regional Public Transit and Bus Transportation

Wow. This person likes math. From the post, I think this person lives in Germany. Locally, there is a push by the Wasach Front Regional Council, for encouraging people to walk, use bikes more and use the bus system (UTA, the Utah Transit Authority) more. There are Regional Planning Meetings in order to give us more bike lanes and make the region more walkable and more bikeable. I don’t think they care about more “personal vehicle-able.”

This linked post is about the calculus and predictablility of bus riding, including how to prevent “bunching.” It is fascinating that anyone has a brain that can do this.

Read this person’s next blog post down, which is a orevious one, too. It talks about biometric data being stored in a card used to pay for public transportation as a way to make the German people (who like privacy) feel like their privacy is not being taken, while still assuring people pay for their public transportation.

“Pedestrian Observations” blog

If you want to know about these regional planning meetings, which are available the to the public, go to your city building and look for a posting hung there about it. These meetings will not be on facebook, twitter, in your city newsletter, or advertised on the radio or televisions. As a matter of fact, although they will reassure you they are open to the public, these are meetings they’d rather you did not attend. After all, they are meetings about how much more they can spend, which will increase your taxes. Why would they want to invite you?!? You have to be a Sherlock Holmes to find out when and where these public meetings are held. Do it. Know what is going on. Know why your taxes are going up. It’s not as if they want to tell you the truth. By “they” I mean your mayor, your city planner, the city planning commission, your city council members and the UTA.

Speech From Two Months Ago by Rosa Koire

It has been at least 2 years since I have been able to see a recent Rosa Koire speech. Here is one from 2 months ago. If you want, skip to when she starts speaking.

Speech at a Tea Party Meeting 2 Months Ago by Rosa Korie

Guidance Requested, Please!

I have a favor to ask of you.

1) Please read Common Core Diva’s post from today about what education and labor are going to become (from birth to death or for the people from preschool to elderly).

2) Please read my comment on her post.

3) Please tell me what to do as a homeschool mom. I am lost and do not know what to do.


This is the wall I feel is being built to enhance control at the expense of liberty.

Constitution Party of Weber County Caucus Meetings 2018

Please come to the Constitution Part Caucus meeting nearest you at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018

To learn more about the party, read about the Seven Principles of the Constitution Party here.

North Ogden, Pleasant Viewm Farr West, Marriott-Slaterville, Harrisville Plain City, north end of Ogden City

North Ogden Elementary School

(south entrance, upstairs in library)

2650 N. 500 E., North Ogden, Utah

Ogden (except northernmost and southernmost parts of Ogden)

Polk Elementary School

(main floor, library)

26th & Polk (1400 E.), Ogden, Utah

South Ogden, Washington Terrace, Uintah, south end of Ogden

Weber County Library, Pleasant Valley Branch

(across from Ogden Regional Medical Center)

5568 Adams Ave., Washington Terrace, Utah

Hooper, West Haven, Taylor, Warren, West Weber

Fielden Residence

5185 S. 6150 W.

Hooper, Utah

Roy and Riverdale

Roy City Hope Community Center

(south entrance, upstairs, Senior Center)

2000 W. 5100 S., Roy, Utah

Huntsville, Eden and Liberty

Weber County Library, Ogden Valley Branch

(library auditorium)

131 S. 7400 E., Huntsville, Utah

Questions? E-mail Reed Miller at reedskeeter at gmail dot com or Lisa Jackson at lisa jackson dot biz at gmail dot com

How Can a Homeschooled Person Get a Utah High School Diploma: Guide to the T.A.B.E. and the G.E.D. Test

I started investigating this about 3 years ago and I am still learning about it. After conversing with a friend about it, she told me I should share what I have learned with other moms who homeschool their kids. My friend told me more institutions are now requiring an official Utah High School Diploma. I have also heard that employers require it of some, even after a Bachelors Degree is achieved. It seems ridiculous but I think it is true. Some employers, colleges and Universities just want that silly piece of paper that many homeschool moms laugh about. This is not news to me, which is why I have been researching it for 3 years. It is my hope that sharing this helps many homeschool moms and homeschooled kids to get an official Utah High School Diploma.

The Passing of the G.E.D. Test Battery Can Get A Person an Official Utah High School Diploma!*

I hope the abbreviation, “G.E.D.” does not strike fear into your hearts or make you run screaming into the next room, covering your head from desire to avoid it. It may. It may be that you do not believe in tests, or that you have read my previous post about the Fascist, Socialist and Communitarian indoctrination in the G.E.D. test. If the test causes you to feel great worry and fear, I hope that after finishing the reading and printing off onto multiple pages for reference, this post, you will feel much more at ease because of how well you know you have prepared your child-student for all of this. I hope you will feel confident that your child will be able to fake it and pretend he or she has been fully indoctrinated, much like a spy (covert operative) would, knowing the truth and armed with it. I know that if you have been a good homeschool mom and have taught your child-student the truth about things first, then your child-student will not be indoctrinated by the G.E.D. test. This post will help you to know a bit about the test so that you may warn and prepare your child-student for this test and to not become indoctrinated. He or she will indeed have to fake having been indoctrinated—- I can promise you that! I hope you will print out this blog post and use it as a guide in helping you get an official Utah High School Diploma for yourself or your child-student after he or she turns 16!

Here are the basic things your child will need or will need to do in order to take the G.E.D. test at your local school district’s Adult Basic Education (A.B.E.) Office. The G.E.D. test is an online test, but a person cannot take the official test from home. The only place that officiates this test in my area is the district’s A.B.E. Office.

Note: I am going to assume that you are homeschooling legally because you filled out the affadavit. If you are not, this process will be different. Check with your school district offices and ask them what to do.

What You Need:*

  1. An official Utah photo I.D. card showing that he or she is 16 years of age (a driver’s license if he or she has one).
  2. An official letter filled out by a professional at your local school district office called, “Adult Education Program and/or GED Testing Application for 16-18 Year-Old Non-Graduates,” which my district has nicknamed “the drop form.”**
  3. The taking of two other tests at the Adult abasic Education Office of your local school district, in order to qualify to take the G.E.D. test in your district. These are: a. The TABE Online Locator test for the Test of Adult Basic Education (T.A.B.E.); b. The passing of a T.A.B.E. 10 Complete Battery (meaning your child-student has achieved at least a 10th grade level education. If your child-student does not qualify for the TABE 10, but only a lower TABE, they will give your child the option of taking a $40 class with the district that will teach your child what he or she needs to know to be able to achieve readiness for the TABE 10 Battery. Your child can still take the TABE 9 Battery.
  4. Completion of the “Utah Futures” Packet, available at the same district Adult Basic Education Office.
  5. For the days of each of the G.E.D. Battery Tests: Photo I.D., approved G.E.D. electronic scientific calculator and (recommended) a healthy snack and water bottle.
  6. Cost of G.E.D. test. 

*Sources: Weber Adult Education Phone Conversation 801-476-3920 and conversation at my school district office.

Here are some things I have learned about the tests from the YouTube videos of official G.E.D. 🎓 High School graduates, from the McGraw Hill T.A.B.E. guide and from the two G.E.D. test guides I have been reading.

The T.A.B.E.’s Online Locator (30 questions in 37 min.):

The TABE Online Locator test will be a summary (shorter) test, quizzing the student on some of the same knowledge that is on the T.A.B.E. 10 Complete Battery. It will determine whether the student knows things that a 10th grade graduate should know. If the student passes the locator test to show they are at the level expected of a student in an accredited school at the beginning of 11th grade, they will then take the T.A.B.E. 10 Complete Battery. When they pass that, they are qualified by the district to take the G.E.D. test.

  • Reading: The student must 10 out of 12 questions correct to take the TABE 10.
  • Math: General Math (8 questions) & Applied Math (8 questions). The student must get 10 out of 16 correct to take the TABE 10.
  • Language: The student must get 10 out of 12 correct to take the TABE 10.

If the student does not get the scores required above, he or she will be given the option of taking a class to prepare him or her for the TABE 10. They can take the test again at the the end of the class. Another option is to continue to teach the child, yourself, from home, then take them back in for the test again later.

T.A.B.E. 10 Complete Battery (3 hrs.):

The student must bring his or her own pencil. (Source: Weber Adult Education)

  • Reading: 50 Reading Comprehension Questions in 50 minutes
  • Math: 2 Math Sections. Math Comprehension: 40 questions in 25 minutes; Math Application: 50 questions in 50 minutes. 
  • Language: 3 Sections. Language Mechanics: 20 questions in 14 minutes; Vocabulary: 20 questions in 15 minutes; Spelling: 20 questions in 14 minutes

Source: Trivium Test Prep T.A.B.E. Book (link below)

TABE Online Workshops

Free Online Tests by Mometrix

Free online T.A.B.E. Study Guide

T.A.B.E. Test Prep including Online Flash Cards

T.A.B.E. 3 Book Test Prep by McGraw Hill including Workbooks and Multiple Practice Tests

T.A.B.E. Test Prep Secrets Book Including Strategies and Practice Tests by Mometrix

T.A.B.E. Practice Test and Strategies by Trivium Test Prep

T.A.B.E. Levels

  • L= Literacy, grades 1-1.9
  • E= Easy, grades 2-3.9
  • M= Medium, Grades 4-5.9
  • D= Difficult, grades 6-8.9
  • A= Advanced, grades 9-12.9

The G.E.D. Complete Battery:

The G.E.D. Complete Battery (taken on a computer) does not need to be taken all at one time, or even on the same day. One could study for and take one test at a time. The Tests are:

G.E.D. Reasoning Through the Language Arts Test (3 sections):

Section 1 (35 min.) and Section 3 (60 min.):

Grammar and Reading Comprehension

75% of these are from non-fiction sources: 

This 75% includes these or pieces similar to these: I.R.S. forms, voter registration forms, job applications, newspapers, magazine articles, workplace memos, workplace instructions, the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, other historical documents, opinion pieces about contemporary or historical civic, socio-economic or socio-political issues (a chance for them to indoctrinate the person), technical manual instructions (such as how to set up, build or use a product), history or science or social studies textbook sections

25% of these are from literature sources:

This 25% may be intermixed with the above, and asks questions about pieces taken from (mainly public domain) novels, plays, poetry, short stories and so forth.

Section 2, Extended Response Essay (45 min.):

In this section, not only does the student prove ability to write an essay correctly, spell correctly and use correct grammar, but the student must also be like the judge in a Speech & Debate Tournament. I have been one of these many times and through it, I have learned how to decide not which student in Lincoln-Douglass Debate is most correct or aligned with my opinions and world-view, but which student has main points that back up his or her assigned position, which best backs up his or her points best during the debate, and which has the best sources, data and facts. This is what the student must do. They must note for which side the best evidence, data and sources is given by the test writers. They must write an essay showing why this point of view is correct. They must do this regardless of their own world-view, knowledge or opinions. They cannot use outside sources, even if memorized. This is the part wherein your student must see himself or herself as a covert operative or spy. He or she must go along with this horrible way of writing an essay which excludes opinion, world-view, research and knowledge in favor of allowing the test-writers to tell them what is truth and what is not from their world-view and opinions.

This test is written to make sure people have been taught social studies concepts which are aligned with Agenda 21. If the student understands the evils of Agenda 21 (which I have blogged about in my Political posts), then the student will know just exactly what they are looking for. They are looking to see that the student has been properly indoctrinated. Whether or not the student believes the Agenda 21 wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing DECEPTION, the student must pretend he or she does for the duration of this essay. I highly recommend first educating your child about how this doctrine is deceptive. Only then will yo feel safe allowing your child to covertly operate on this test in order to deceive the essay readers trained by those serving the evil elite.

Sources: “Cracking the G.E.D. Test 2017 Edition,” by the Princeton Review, 2017, “GED Test for Dummies, 4th Edition,” by Murray Shukyn with Jane Burstein, Learning Made Easy, 2017, My own knowledge of Agenda 21 and the like (see my blog posts on the topic).

What to expect on the G.E.D. Language Test:

  • To do a whole lot of reading
  • To be expected to type a great amount for the 2 essays. (Make sure your child-student is good at keyboarding).
  • To have a great deal of vocabulary understanding and ability to read fast and still have a great reading comprehension level.

Extended response essay covers a controversial civics or political social studies topic. In the essay portion, the student will have to argue for the side that has the most or the best evidence in the test, even if you disagree with it. The student must state in the essay that the other side does not have enough solid facts or only has opinions.

Source: This Youtube video made by a girl who took the test and vlogged about it.

G.E.D. Mathematical Reasoning Test (2 Sections, 115 min.):

Part 1, General Math, no calculator allowed (5 questions)

Part 2, Problems Common in many Workplaces, calculator allowed (41 questions)

Many questions will be word problems with multiple choice answers, but they will be in multiple other formats as well, including fill in the blank, drag and drop (it is on computer), hot spot and drop-down menu. About 1/2 of the questions will be based upon data, diagrams or charts presented on the test. Education 2030 Incheon (Korea) Declaration (2015) and Goals includes a demand for researchers to go find data which will back up Agenda 21 goals. For the data to have the desired affect on people, people must rely on the data put before them to determine what is true. The G.E.D. and Common Core in the schools must be assured that High School Graduates do not to question data, diagrams or charts, but accept them as truth. Please, before you prepare your beloved offspring for this type of test-taking, teach them how to question EVERYTHING, spot deception, do their own research and ask GOD for wisdom about what is TRUTH. After you have done this, teach them about the deceptions on the test. Teach them that accepting data, diagrams and charts as truth is not wise because of the evil people in the world who wish to deceive all people.

Sources: “Cracking the G.E.D. Test 2017 Edition,” by the Princeton Review, 2017, “GED Test for Dummies, 4th Edition,” by Murray Shukyn with Jane Burstein, Learning Made Easy, 2017, My own knowledge of Agenda 21 and the like (see my blog posts on the topic)

Details about what will be included in the G.E.D. Math Test:

  • general math: addition, subtraction, number sense, figuring percentages, decimals, multiplication, division, fractions, order of operations and so forth (very small part of the test)
  • Pre-Algebra
  • linear slopes with x and y
  • plotting x and y on graph
  • linear equations with x and y
  • linear fractions with x and y
  • graph 6 different points on a coordinate plane. x is always first. (x,y). Left or right first, up or down 2nd.
  • perimeter of a complex shape (divide it into a number of basic shapes, like a series of separate rectangles. Figure it out that way)
  • area rectangle, cyllindar, circle, etc.
  • A= (Pi) times (Radius squared) and opposite (Here is the area. What is it in the Pi R squared formula?
  • Story Problems. Do not get hung up on what is possible or not. Do not try to figure out how it is logiclaly possible. Just do the mathe they want you to do.
  • Problems making the student figure out interest in a bank account or on a debt with amount deposited each time and the interest rate, given. I= PRT, Interest equals principle tmes rate times time. Turn rate given (3.5%) into a decimal (0.035) before multiplying. End answer is in years. If you are given months, figure out how much time it would be in years.
  • Problems like: $68.50 was original price. You paid $18. How much of a discount did you get on the item when you bought it? You need to know how much of a percentage $18 of $68.50 is. Formula is “No over O,” N-0/0, N is New Price. O is Original Price. 
  • -.41 would mean you got 41% off.
  • Slope intercept form y=mx+b. m is the slope. b is the y-intercept. m= rise over run (rose/run)

Source: MathTalk YouTube Videos about the G.E.D. Math Test, starting with this one (part 1)

G.E.D. Social Studies Test (about 35 questions in 70 min.):

Again the questions will be multiple-choice, hot-spot, drag and drop and fill-in the blank. These are approximate break-downs:

  • Government and Civics (truths mixed with lies), 50%. (They will refer to our United States of America as a DEMOCRACY, guaranteed. Our government was set up by our founding fathers as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Make sure your child knows the truth and is aware that the constant use of the word “democracy” by the writers of the test is done in order to deceive.
  • U.S. History (from the perspective of Fascists, Communitarianists and Communists who hate our country, Liberty and the U.S. Contitution), 20%
  • Economics (from the perspective of those who love the idea of a fascist, communitarian and communist world government), 15%
  • World Geography (from the perpective of those who hate sovereignty and the idea of American greatness, who love Agenda 21 and the idea of a world government), 15%

Sources: “Cracking the G.E.D. Test 2017 Edition,” by the Princeton Review, 2017, “GED Test for Dummies, 4th Edition,” by Murray Shukyn with Jane Burstein, Learning Made Easy, 2017, My own knowledge of Agenda 21 and the like (see my blog posts on the topic).

What to expect on the G.E.D. Social Studies Test:

  • Example from the Economics section of an actual test: Answer questions from a graph about Importing & Exporting through Canada
  • Requires reading of large amounts of text to find the information needed to answer a series of questions about its content
  • Requires the reading and interpretation of really strange types of graphs which the student may never have seen before
  • Questions are worded in a tricky way to confuse and trick the student
  • Essay topics on an actual test: Chart showing that men get paid more than women, freedom of speech issues with the flag burning, when blacks got their rights for the first time
  • no extended response essay (there used to be)

Source: This Youtube video made by a girl who took the test and vlogged about it.

G.E.D. Science Test (about 34 questions in 90 min.):

The test will include short passages and graphs and charts. Tricky wording such as “Which one of these is not false?” (meaning ‘which one is true?’) is employed on this science test, so prepare your child-student for this. The type of questions will again be multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, drop-down choices, drag-and-drop, hot-spot (labeling) and 2 short answer essays. Please know your science vocabulary words. Although almost all of the questions haveThe main themes are Human Health and Living Systems, and Energy and realated systems. 3 topics included are:

  • Physical Science & Chemistry, 40%: conservation, transformation, flow of energy, work, sound, light, heat, motion, forces, chemical properties and reactions in living systems. 
  • Life Science, 40%: human biology and health, animal and plant biology, ecosystems, organisms, molecular biology, DNA, and evolution. Examples: label the parts of a flower 🌺, interpret a graph about DNA mutation (for evolution indoctrination).
  • Earth and Space Science, 20%: basic eath and space science, astronomy, environmentalism (global warming and climate change science to indoctrination). Example: Answer questions about the affect of ants 🐜 on rainforests based on data presented.

Sources: “Cracking the G.E.D. Test 2017 Edition,” by the Princeton Review, 2017, “GED Test for Dummies, 4th Edition,” by Murray Shukyn with Jane Burstein, Learning Made Easy, 2017, My own knowledge of Agenda 21 and the like (see my blog posts on the topic),  and This Youtube video made by a girl who took the test and vlogged about it.

G.E.D. Test Guides for Homeschool moms to use in preparing their child-students for the GED test

G.E.D. Test Guides for Homeschool moms to use in preparing their child-students for the GED test

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Socialist Indoctrination in G.E.D. Test Prep Book by the Princeton Review

Get Up to 10 College Credits for Scoring High on the Post-2016 G.E.D. Test!

How at Weber State University, via CLEP and DSST tests, Homeschoolers Can Do the Equivalent of Early College/ Concurrent Enrollment

Agenda 21 and ICLEI: A Crash Course

Education 2030 Incheon Declaration